tBG and its family of baseball stats are developed and maintained by Mike Walsh and Tom Lewis.
To contact us, send email to tbg@totalbases.net.
tBG is a new baseball stat (and a family of related stats) that measures total offensive productivity by scoring the bases generated in each plate appearance as follows:
- Bases earned from hits are credited to the batter.
- Bases earned from all other types of offensive plays are counted, such as walks, hit by pitch, errors, etc. That is, "all" bases generated during "all" plate appearances are counted. Thus, the name "total" Bases Generated.
- Bases are also credited to batters for bases gained by runners on base as a result of a batted ball, walk, hit by pitch, error, etc.
- Bases lost are debited for outcomes such as double and triple plays and when runners are thrown out at a base (when not forced).
- Base runners are credited and debited for bases gained and lost on running plays, such as steals, pick offs, balks, interference, pass balls, and throwing errors.
The bases generated for each play are totaled for each player for each year and divided by plate appearances to determine a player’s tBGPA (total Bases Generated per Plate Appearance) for each year. Career and team values are also calculated, and tBG stats are adjusted for park factor. tBGR (total Bases Generated as a Runner) and tBSI (total Bases Surrendered per Inning) stats are also derived from the same data.
The play data in the tBG database was obtained free of
charge from and is copyrighted by Retrosheet.
Interested parties may contact Retrosheet at 20 Sunset Rd., Newark, DE 19711.
Data from the Lahman database was also used in this project.
tBG ReportsThese reports appear in GoogleDocs and permit filtering
and sorting. Overall Team Performance
Batting Reports
Pitching ReportsTotal bases surrendered by each pitcher by year, career, inning, and by team year. Starters, relievers, and closers appear in different reports. See the title pages of each report for the criteria for each report. Base Running Reports
tBG Game Records
tBS Game Records
tBGR Game Records
GlossaryAcronyms that appear on the reports. Batting Stats
Base Running Stats
Pitching Stats